
Neograft Hair Restoration

To many residents, a full head of hair represents attractiveness and desirability both personally and professionally. For this reason, it is vital to understand what effects a hair restoration procedure can have on your daily interactions with people and in all other aspects of your life. Hair Restoration should be unnoticeable to all but those you tell.

The facts are that approximately 50 million men and approximately 30 million women, including many in, suffer from male/female pattern baldness or thinning hair. Many potential patients shy-away from (or are not candidates for) the traditional “strip method” of hair replacement because of the slow recovery time, the loss of feeling at the incision site, the tiny linear scar on the back of the head, or the amount of post-operative pain involved.

After much research, we have chosen to offer the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method utilizing the NeoGraft™ Automated Hair Transplantation system.

NeoGraft® is an innovative new technique for hair restoration.

Utilizing the gold-standard theory of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), combined with an automated system, the technique provides exceptional hair transplant results. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is the most advanced hair replacement technology available today. The minimally invasive technique provides dramatic results for both men and women. During FUE, hair follicles are individually removed from a patient’s donor area; then, one-by-one, these are transplanted to fill thinning areas. NeoGraft® brings patients unmatched restoration results without using scalpels or stitches. It is also the only hair restoration follicular unit harvesting system approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Automating the FUE system means that both speed and accuracy of the transplant process are increased with NeoGraft®, as each meticulous step is no longer performed by hand. This reduces the time spent in the office compared to more traditional hair transplant procedures. NeoGraft® FUE technology makes this hair transplant technique efficient and effective for all patients.

Reasons Why The NeoGraft™ Procedure Is The Solution

The NeoGraft™ system is the first and only FDA cleared follicular unit harvesting and implantation system. The NeoGraft™ system delivers automation of the FUE technique, the most advanced technique in the hair transplant industry.

This revolutionary system uses pneumatic controls to precisely extract complete individual hair follicles which can be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. The NeoGraft™ automated hair transplantation system is the only complete harvesting system on the market and has the only ‘NO TOUCH’ implantation technology.

Hair Restoration with NeoGraft™ technology provides absolute exact harvesting and placement, delivering repeatable results. With NeoGraft’s technology each follicle is removed individually while the patient is comfortable. A natural looking head of hair is created with this minimally-invasive procedure.

Hair loss can be a very emotional part of the natural aging process, and seeking ways to curb this process used to be a challenge. NeoGraft’s advanced technology offers a discrete solution to hair loss, allowing patients to achieve natural looking results with no linear scar, minimal downtime and a shorter recovery period. Hair restoration with the NeoGraft™ procedure is unnoticeable, making it your secret to tell.

  • It is the least invasive procedure for hair transplantation
  • Patients who receive the NeoGraft™ procedure feel little to no discomfort
  • No stitches or staples are used in the NeoGraft™ procedure
  • No unsightly linear scar
  • Flexibility for any hair style of your choice, short or long
  • Shorter recovery time – patients can typically go back to work the next day
  • Fewer restrictions on your normal daily activities
  • Natural looking results

Who's an ideal NeoGraft® Candidate?

Patients experiencing mild to moderate hair loss, and with a sufficient amount of donor hair along the back of the scalp, can find the NeoGraft® FUE system to be beneficial. The method provides excellent results for those men who hope to wear a very short hair cut after their transplant. An additional benefit from the NeoGraft® technique is the low level of activity restrictions; the results are perfect for athletes or physically active individuals.

Those patients who have undergone prior linear hair harvests can make a great candidate for NeoGraft®, as well. The advanced system provides excellent ‘scar camouflage’, covering the unsightly marks that remain from hair transplants in the past. Dr. Venetos can utilize the NeoGraft® technique to make a significant improvement with poor, preexisting transplant results, as well.

The ideal candidate for NeoGraft® will be in overall good health, understand the treatment process, and hold realistic surgical expectations. Patients who have thick donor hair can expect even greater results. Additionally, the NeoGraft® system is not limited to only the head. The technique provides remarkable results for hair restoration anywhere on the body, including the eyebrows, chest, arms, and legs.

The NeoGraft™ Procedure

Step One: Donor Hair Removal

The Neograft procedure begins with hair being removed from the donor area in the back of your head where your hair is genetically programmed to resist testosterone.

Step Two: Dissection of the Follicular Units

Each graft is extracted with the same consistency in diameter and length resulting in a dramatically increased take rate.

Step Three: Creation of the Recipient Sites

The hair transplant surgeon creates recipient sites in the proper angle, direction and orientation according to the artistic hair transplant plan he has designed specifically for you.

Step Four: Placement of the Hair Graft

The follicular units are then carefully separated by size. Grafts are transplanted into the balding and thinning areas of you scalp. Each graft is meticulously harvested as it naturally occurs and implanted individually to ensure the best results.

How is the recovery from NeoGraft™ Procedure?

Compared to traditional hair transplant procedures, the NeoGraft® FUE technique has a shorter recovery time and fewer associated complications. Patients can expect some minor swelling, and redness, lasting between five and seven days. A slight amount of drainage can be seen over the first 24 hours, but this is minimal. There is also little to no discomfort after the NeoGraft® FUE procedure. Showering and washing the hair is normally fine after the NeoGraft® procedure, as long as remaining gentle for the first 10-14 days. Patients are usually comfortable returning to work or school in a week or less.

The NeoGraft® Consultation

Before committing to the NeoGraft® FUE procedure, patients are encouraged to schedule a confidential consultation. During this appointment, we will perform a brief physical examination, review the medical history, and go over any current medications; determining the type of balding pattern present. We will then discuss in-depth, all of the available hair restoration options, including the NeoGraft® FUE technique. Should the NeoGraft® be determined as the ideal option, Dr. Venetos will create an individualized treatment plan; created with the individual’s aesthetic goals in mind.

Schedule a Consultation

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Visit One of Our 3 Locations

925 Sherwood Dr

Lake Bluff, IL 60044

Mon: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Tues: 9:00am to 5:30pm
Wed: 9:30am to 5:30pm
Thu 9:30am to 5:00pm
Fri: 9:30am to 5:00pm
Sat: Varies

3612 Lake Ave
Wilmette, IL 60091-1000

Wed: 9:30 am -5:30 pm
Thu: 9:30am - 5:00 pm

1850 W. Winchester
Suite 106
Libertyville, IL 60048

Mon: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm
Tues: 8:00 am- 4:00 pm
Wed: 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
Thu: 7:30 am- 3:30 pm